About the Blog

I have been praying for more than half a century, and in that time, I’ve uttered some really bad prayers to my creator, full of nonsensical rants, selfish pleas, and insincere thanks. But I found that when I wrote my prayers, I actually put thought into each word. My prayers became “plump” – filled with praise, introspection, and gratitude. In time, I yearned to converse with God. He speaks to me through his word, and I tell him what I am thinking, keeping in mind that I am speaking to Holy God, an uncommon listener.
I realize there are those who really wish to speak to our God but have no idea what to say or how to say it. I understand! Who wouldn’t get tongue-tied speaking to the One who designed the eye ball! And although God doesn’t care how eloquent we are, we care. Sure, we could say, “God, you know what’s on my heart. Amen.”  But if we did, we’d never grow. So I am sharing my prayers with you. Maybe you can pray them, too. Maybe you’re in the same place I am – weary of sounding like a broken record when you approach God. I realize I cannot write prayers that fit every human situation. But any time spent conversing with God will be a time of blessing. I plan to post a prayer each week – hopefully on Monday. Any more than that, and I would have to quit my day job!
Praying takes time and energy, and sometimes prayer is painful. But if you’ll join me in prayer each week, our time with God will change us. We’ll grow. And that is exactly what God has in mind.