
Your words…
For the High and Holy One who lives forever, whose name is holy, says this: “I live in a high and holy place and with the oppressed and lowly of spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and revive the heart of the oppressed.  Isaiah 57:15
Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. Matthew 23:12
So, it is a sin for the person who knows to do what is good and doesn’t do it. James 4:17
My words…
A Prayer of Repentance
I wish I didn’t have to pray about sin. I would prefer to pray about sunbeams, chocolate cake, and butterfly kisses; unfortunately, those delights do not describe the state of my spirit. Not today. When I read Your words, I first ask You to teach me what You want me to learn. This week, You have been clearly leading me toward repentance. I asked. You showed me. I often pray for forgiveness in a broad sense, like fish caught in a net. You undoubtedly forgive me, and the fish swim away. Bye-bye sins. But You want me to honestly consider my thoughts and actions and lay them alongside Your will for me. Do they match up? Not lately.
My sins are not fish in a net. They are individual transgressions against You, none worse than the other, but each intentional. I sin on purpose. (May we pause for a slice of cake? No?) These words are hard to write, hard to admit. At this point along the path, I should be strong enough to keep Your spiritual armor in place at all times. I should. But it slips when I know to do good and don’t. It falls to the ground when I know the wrong and do it anyway.
So where does this leave me? On my knees. Heartbroken. Tearful. Guilty.
Here’s the good part: (With You there’s always a good part.) When I am on my knees, humble and lowly, I am with You in a high and holy place. I can’t see it with my hazel eyes. It’s a special, invisible place where I am revived in spirit and lifted to my feet to stand again.
Refreshed. Renewed. Exalted. Forgiven.
Sadly, I’ll sin again. But You never minded hanging out with sinners. Thank You, God.